Welcome to the University of Pécs! Come and get to know the library!

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Dear university student! This autumn must be special for you, since you have become a university student. Now, that you have explored the city and the university, it is time to discover the library as well, where you can find a number of study support services that might help you during your studies in addition to the basic information resources, such as books and databases.

The aim of this blog post is to be a guide for new university students so that they do not feel lost when it comes to the use of library services.


1. Our library system

You might not think at first, but the university doesn’t just have one library! It’s worth going through its structure so next time when you’re looking for a book, you will know in which faculty library you will find it.

One of our library systems is the Central Library (University of Pécs Library and Centre for Learning), located in the building of Knowledge Centre (Universitas street 2/A). This building also houses the Benedek Ferenc Library of the Faculties Law and Economics. The other faculty libraries are located in different parts of the city (or other cities), mainly in the faculty buildings.

Faculty libraries:

  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library
  • Geographic Special Library
  • German Library and University of Pécs Austrian Library
  • Library of Engineering and Information Technology
  • Library of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
  • Pekár Mihály Library of Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Social Science Technical Library
  • Tóth József Faculty Library of Humanities and Sciences
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Kaposvár Campus Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Szombathely Campus Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Zalaegerszeg Campus Library
  • University of Pécs, Library of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development

Another unit is the Historical Collection Department of the Central Library that – among others – is responsible for the collections of the Klimo Library and the University History Collection of Pécs. Come and visit the collections and have a look at the wonderful rooms of the Klimo Library!

Follow our library’s Facebook and Instagram pages that keep you up-to-date with the opening hours of our libraries, all the events, blog posts and current news.

Each faculty library also has its own Facebook page where you can find important information related to that unit.


2. Registration in person and online

Registration is done in person at the given library by signing the entry declaration. In exceptional cases, it is possible to register and loan via proxy by submitting the completed authorization form.

In order to have a successful registration, you will need the following:

  • an identity document (identity card, passport or driving license);
  • your domicile certificate (address card);
  • and your NEPTUN code.

Registration is completely FREE for the students of the University of Pécs. Once you have your library card, you will have access to all the services of the Centre for Learning.

Online registration is possible by clicking here.

If you have a valid Neptune code, after registration you can access the databases that the University of Pécs has subscribed to and you can use the library’s online services from home.


Online registration does not equal to personal registration! So if you want to loan books, first you have to register in person. If you have already registered online, please let our colleague know.

For further information about registration, visit our website.


3. Use of the catalog… you should get to know it if you would like to loan quickly and efficiently

Before visiting the library, it is worth searching for the document in the library’s electronic catalog that is called Corvina (OPAC), which is available to all readers without registration, even from home using this link.

Why use the catalog?

  • You can check if there is a loanable copy of the book or not.
  • You can find out the pressmark (shelfmark), which will help you find the book much faster.
  • You can set filters so that you can search for a book in a specific faculty library (here comes useful if you have an overview of the library system described in point 1.
  • With help of Advanced Search, you can find the books you need based on a variety of criteria.

Of course, you can also search in the library on dedicated computers. With these, all readers can access the electronic Corvina catalog.

If you find it difficult to use the search engine, feel free to ask the librarians for help in person or with the chat from home. The “Chat with the Librarian” feature is located in the bottom right corner of our website.

For tips and advice on what methods and techniques you can use to search most effectively, we recommend our article “Search Tips to be Genuinely Professional!” on the MyLib blog!


4. Loaning

Once you have registered and found the books you was looking for, all you have to do is loan them.

You can loan the documents directly from the librarian at the circulation desk in the “traditional” way, or you can use our self-service loaning machines. All you have to do is put the books on the machine and then scan your library card and enter your password (the month and day of your birthday, eg. 0509) and take them home.

A good advice: make note of how long you have loaned the books for, because anyone who misses the deadline is charged a late fee. If you miss the deadline, you have to pay a late fee of HUF 20 per day per document.

If you would like to loan, it is a good idea to know the layout of the building, so you know which floor to look for that book.

1st floor: literary studies, linguistics, Hungarian literature, foreign literature

2nd floor: computer science, philosophy, psychology, religion, social sciences, natural sciences, applied sciences, arts, sports, geography, history

3rd floor: economics, statistics, law, marketing, management

4th floor: fairy tales, children’s novels, children’s and youth non-fiction, sheet music, books on music, music CDs, vinyl records, youth novels


5. Use your “Reader data” account

By clicking here, you can log in to your “Reader data” account using your library card number and password (birth month and day, eg. 0509).

Here you can check the due dates of your documents, you can renew them, and settle the debts online if there is any.

Check out this video on how to use your account – it can help you a lot before logging in the first time.



6. New service in the library – Storage request from home

Until now, documents could only be requested from the storage for on-site use or rental with the help of computers located in the Centre for Learning building. However, as of September 6, 2021, this interface can be also used from home.

For further information on this service, visit this website


7. Databases

Library databases are usually websites that contain full-text content journals and e-books with the feature of advanced searching. These websites contain reliable, verified information and help you find what you are looking for as quickly as possible.

You can find a number of databases on our website via this link.

Subscribed databases are not only available from the library or the premises of the University of Pécs, but can also be used remotely from the comfort of your home. There are several options for remote use that are described here.


8. E-library


The library currently provides more than 8.000 e-books of 13 Hungarian publishers and 5.000 foreign publications. The works can be used without an e-book reader and without loaning and can be read immediately on the website or in .pdf format when opened. The collections do not cover the entire publishing portfolio, but contain a selection of works according to the higher education profile.

E-books can be accessed on or off campus. In the University of Pécs area (faculty, library or dormitory), books can be read through the university network (e.g. EDUROAM and wired internet) without prior login by clicking on the publisher’s address.

Outside the university’s domain, identification can be made either through a proxy or with a Neptun ID. For the latter, follow the instructions in the “remote access” section with the house icon after clicking on the speech bubble next to the publisher. (Neptun IDs are usually referred to by publishers as Shibboleth.)


9. Digitália

The digitalized documents of the university library are available for free on our website and our  collection is constantly expanding with new books.

You can find Digitália here.


10. Wi-Fi

A Wi-Fi network is available throughout the University of Pécs and Centre for Learning.

The library’s own Wi-Fi network name is TK-LIB.

Username: the number of the library card

Password: the password of the library card (the month and day of your birth, eg. 0509).

The EDUROAM network is also available in the premises of the library.


11. Our social media platforms and blogs

…And last but not least, don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter here.

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