The case of the library book with red wine

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A notice with “Book Incident” subject has been recently received by us from one of our university student readers to our email address that a book on the biological bases of sports movements has been gotten completely wet during a random “red wine accident”. Well, one of the librarian’s eyes is crying, the other is laughing, because we are fond of books on the one hand and on the other hand, we are well aware of the nature of random accidents and the challenges of student life.

 We are relatively often encounter with library books that has been returned in wet, torn or dirty condition, or damaged by a pet and in all these cases it is common that the book will become unavailable for further library use due to the degree of damage.

Sometimes it is also the case that the borrowed book is lost – let’s see what we can do to resolve the problem quickly and reassuringly!

We thank you

  1. if you checked if the given work – or a newer release/edition is currently available then
  2. you are purchasing a copy instead of the lost / damaged document,
  3. and bring it to our library unit where you borrowed the original document (you can find network- and opening hours information here).

In this case,

  1. the document is removed from the library card,
  2. the new copy is processed and,
  3. the old one will be deleted from our system.

Replacement based on collection value

If the lost / damaged book or its new release/edition is not available, the options for replacement are investigated. We need to look after that

– are there still enough copies of the book in the substance of the library and that

– is it a document sought by others?

The following solutions can be taken into account:

  • The so-called collection value of works is defined, and this amount is asked from the reader. In rare cases, the collection value may be multiplied by the original value.
  • By copying and binding, the lost copy is replaced, which also charges the reader. The book that has been replaced this way can only be used locally.

The “book incidents” are therefore mostly reassuringly arranged; please help keep our collection safe, contact our faculty libraries if you are in a similar, unexpected situation!

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