5 in 1 databases you should check if you are taking medical or healthcare studies

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Last year, the Library Database Portal was opened 27 162 times. It is providing access to more than a hundred databases containing Hungarian and international journals and eBooks for learning and research purposes even remotely through our proxy service. If you have not checked it yet and are doing medical or healthcare studies, this article is for you!

EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service) 

EBSCO Discovery Service, or EDS, is the first you get to know. This is a common large search engine that searches in the library catalogue and all of our subscribed databases at the same time.

If you are looking for an article>>>

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Where you see the „full text” sign below, you can read the full text right away.

4 in 1 databases you should check if you want to be an economist
4 in 1 databases you should check if you want to be an economist

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  • Full text can be reached by clicking the name after the „Full Text Access” title, which is highlighted in red in the picture below

EDS is looking for the following medical databases; click on the name of the database to open it:

  1. PubMed/Medline

    It is the world’s most widely used medical database, which is available freely from anywhere. Most of the items contain the link to the full text.

  2. ClinicalKey

    It provides access to the latest results for each symptom, disease, and medication. Moreover, includes the full text of 600 journals and 1000 ebooks.

    Tip: If you do not have the Sobotta with you, it can be found here.

  3. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)

    A total of 250 medical journals and 1100 ebooks can be accessed with full text. The collection covers all areas of medical science.

  4. UpToDate

    UpToDate is a recognized medical database used in many countries around the world, which acts as an evidence-based clinical decision support system. You can access your search results by clicking on the green “UpToDate” logo on the right side of the screen.

  5. Embase

    Biomedical database with extremely detailed search options. From 1947 to today it has more than 31 million items in various fields of medicine, most of them are available in full text. You can open the search results by clicking on the “Embase” logo on the right side of the screen.

    More about medical and healthcare databases

    If you have any questions or a problem with the databases, look for our database referents at the following email addresses:

    Márta BEDŐ: bedo.marta@lib.pte.hu

    Szabolcs ÉSIK: esik.szabolcs@lib.pte.hu

    You can continuously join our specific library trainings to make it easier to adapt to the maze of databases. We currently offer the following training for which you are welcome to apply: How do we access library databases from home?

    Subscribe to our newsletters, which keeps you informed about our new, testable databases.

    Like our facebook page where we provide not only database information, but where you are also invited to our library events and to test our services.

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