Last year, the Library Database Portal was opened 27 162 times. It is providing access to more than a hundred databases containing Hungarian and international journals and eBooks for learning and research purposes even remotely through our proxy service. If you have not checked it yet and are doing economics studies, this article is for you!
EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service)
EBSCO Discovery Service, or EDS, is the first you get to know. This is a common large search engine that searches in the library catalogue and databases at the same time.
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Full text can be reached by clicking the name after the „Full Text Access” title, which is highlighted in red in the picture below.
EDS is looking for the following economics databases:
Business Source Premier
Articles in the economics database are available with full text; In addition, business reports and country reviews are included. It covers primarily the fields of management, economics, finance, accounting, international business and marketing.
Business Searching Interface
Business Searching Interface is a highly focused user interface created especially for the business information searchers. Provides an easy way to both browse and search for country economic data, company profiles, industry information and market research.
EconLit Fulltext
The EconLit (Economic Literature Index) is the largest online bibliographic database of economics literature that contains the data of the economics journals and books of the past 120 years. In addition to the bibliography, the articles of more than 700 journals are available in full text.
Regional Business News
Provides comprehensive, full-text selections from 80 US city and regional business dailies and journals.
Other useful, cross-disciplinary science (including also economics) databases, which are also searchable through EDS:
At ProQuest Central change language here:
More about economic databases
If you have any questions or a problem with the databases, look for our database referents at the following email addresses:
- Márta BEDŐ:
- Szabolcs ÉSIK:
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