We help you so you can take your exams without interruptions!

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Due to the epidemiological situation, we have extended the deadlines of those borrowed documents and library cards which have expired after 11 March. In this case you will be able to apply for your exams on Neptun.

In case you have a debt from a previous period, Neptun might block your registration.

What can be done? What can you do in this case?

  • In case of a money debt, you can settle this using online payment.

You can view your book and money debts in the „Corvina library Catalog” interface (WebPac). You can access them in the reader data menu, and you can start online payment here.

You can find detailed information about the online payment process on the library’s website.

The Neptun block lasts until the debt has been settled. Data is updated hourly between the library system and Neptun. If your exam registration is blocked, you can update the system using this link after the online payment.

  • In case your borrowed books have expired, you can extend them using this link.

Due to the situation we have increased the number of possible extensions by one. Those, who have already reached their extension limits (two), will be able to extend it one more time.

More information about the Neptun restriction is available here.

You can find information about the extraordinary closing here.

Please arrange your library debts in time so that you can start the exams without interruption!

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