We are open!

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The University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre has reopened it’s doors on 22 June, 2020, so all our library services are now available.

This, of course, raises a number of questions in our readers: What happens with my borrowed books, if I’m already spending my summer break in the other half of the country? What kind of regulations do I have to comply in order to enter the library? What will be the opening hours?

We want to answer these and many more questions in the article below, making it easier to use the library.

Safe library usage

Fort the safety of our Readers and staff, please follow the points below:

  1. Please use the outdoor hand sanitizer on entry and when exiting the building.
  2. Please maintain a safety distance of one and a half meters.
  3. A plexiglass protective wall was installed at the registration desk in the building.

Information regarding services

With the reopening, all of our services have become available again, so it’s possible to borrow, reserve and return documents, among other things.

The Knowledge Centre is open for our Readers from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 to 18:00. For detailed information about the Opening hours of the faculty libraries and Knowledge Centre please visit the library website.

We are extending  the rental period of the borrowed documents and library cards by 6 months automatically for  those readers who had a valid library card during the closing period. In addition, we provide the reservation service free of charge until September 30.

We won’t be charging late fees for the closed days. However, this does not apply to loans expired before the closing and debts previously incurred. Please give preference to online payment when settling debts!

The reopening can lead to significant increase in traffic, so the waiting time can be longer. We are asking for the patience of our readers when visiting the library.

You can access the newest information on the official website and Facebook page of the University of Pécs Library and Knowledge Centre.

Further information: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | info@lib.pte.hu

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