Available library services for University of Pécs students in 5 points

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Please note that in accordance with Government Decree No. 484/2020. (XI.10) and No. 505/2020. (XI. 17.) – due to the epidemiological situation – the entire University of Pécs University Library and Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre, with all Faculty Libraries) will be closed from November 11, 2020 to December 11, 2020.

The good news, however, is that the library can provide a number of services and assistance to students during this period as well.

We have collected the most important informations in 5 points, and what services are available during the closure.

1. My books and/or my library card will expire, what should I do?

The expiration date for all books and library cards that would expire during the closing period (November 11 – December 11, 2020) has been extended for a month.

If your loaned documents have expired before November 11, 2020, and you haven’t renewed them yet, you can do so online through your library account.

You can also request a renewal on weekdays (between 8 AM and 4 PM) by phone or using our chat service.

The library won’t be charging late fees during this period!

In case you have a debt from a previous period, you have the option to pay the fee online.

You can find more information on Online payment here.

You can check the status of your borrowed documents or arrange them through your reader account.

2. Help, I have to study! – Access to databases, electronic journals, e-books from outside the University.

The use of the University of Pécs electronic sources is still ensured by the University Library and Knowledge Centre as usual. It is not necessary to be physically present on the University’s campus, libraries and other buildings in order to access the contents remotely.

You can find detailed information on remote access here.


The subscribed databases are only available to University of Pécs citizens with a valid library card. If you haven’t registrated yet, you can do it here!

3. “Ask the librarian!”

With this service we provide online information to those who are preparing for lectures or Ask the librarianhomework papers, and those who are conducting scientific research or preparing a doctoral dissertation.  We await questions that require specialized guidance or orientational help in a search.

We provide information on documents found in the library network, or in electronic databases subscribed by the library (also accessible to University of Pécs Citizens remotely).

Only readers with a valid reading card can use this service by clicking on the following link

4. Just a quick question – “Chat with the librarian”

For general questions, you can use our „Chat with the Librarian” service from 8 AM to 4 PM on weekdays. This application can be found on all web pages of the University Library and Knowledge Centre, in the lower right segment of the site.

5. Loaning and returning documents in faculty buildings, outside library spaces, at pre-arranged times with faculty libraries.

University of Pécs lecturers, researchers and students can pick up (loan documents) and return documents after prior telephone or e-mail contact in the faculty libraries listed below. They can do this at the handover points set up at the entrances to the libraries.

The handover points operate within the time range specified by the unit. The library ensures that readers do not meet each other by issuing time intervals. Readers are required to wear a mask, maintain a safety distance in the event of encounters, and may not group in the spaces in front of the library. Please use hand sanitizer before hanging over documents.


The Benedek Ferenc Library of the Faculties Law and Economics in Centre for Learning operates in the Knowledge Centre.  Due to the Government Decree No. 484/2020. (XI.10.), the building of the Knowledge Centre is closed, so it is not possible to provide services for students. The use of the limited service takes place on the ÁJK campus, with a separate procedure.

Faculty library units providing the service:

  • Pekár Mihály Library of Medicine and Life Sciences
  • Benedek Ferenc Library of the Faculties Law and Economics in Centre for Learning
  • Tóth József Faculty Library of Humanities and Sciences
  • German Library and University of Pécs Austrian Library
  • Social Science Technical Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Kaposvár Campus Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Zalaegerszeg Campus Library
  • Faculty of Health Sciences Library Szombathely Campus Library
  • University of Pécs, Library of Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Education and Regional Development
  • Library of the Faculty of Music and Visual Arts
  • Library of Engineering and Information Technology

We will keep you informed about the services and further actions on the library website and on our social pages (Facebook, Twitter).


Should you have any further questions regarding our services, please contact info@lib.pte.hu

Our chat service is also alvailable on weekdays from 8 AM to 4 PM.

For official information, please follow our pages!

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