Discover the University Library!

Olvasási idő: 5 perc

Autumn has arrived, and with it, university life has begun. With this blog post, we aim to help the newly admitted students of the University of Pécs get to know the opportunities offered by the university library.

Explore our buildings and services to make your studies easier. We have gathered some useful information to simplify your early days.

Continue reading “Discover the University Library!”

Welcome to the University of Pécs! Come and get to know the library!

Olvasási idő: 7 perc

Dear university student! This autumn must be special for you, since you have become a university student. Now, that you have explored the city and the university, it is time to discover the library as well, where you can find a number of study support services that might help you during your studies in addition to the basic information resources, such as books and databases.

The aim of this blog post is to be a guide for new university students so that they do not feel lost when it comes to the use of library services. Continue reading “Welcome to the University of Pécs! Come and get to know the library!”

Available library services for University of Pécs students in 5 points

Olvasási idő: 4 perc

Please note that in accordance with Government Decree No. 484/2020. (XI.10) and No. 505/2020. (XI. 17.) – due to the epidemiological situation – the entire University of Pécs University Library and Knowledge Centre (Knowledge Centre, with all Faculty Libraries) will be closed from November 11, 2020 to December 11, 2020.

The good news, however, is that the library can provide a number of services and assistance to students during this period as well.

Continue reading “Available library services for University of Pécs students in 5 points”

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